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The 10 Best Tips For Living A Clutter Free Life

If you’re like most people, your house is full of clutter and stuff. You might not even realize it, but every time you walk into a room, you see something that needs to be organized or thrown away. So if you’ve been looking to declutter now is as good a time as any so continue on for some helpful tips!

It can be a real source of stress, frustration and it can be overwhelming living in clutter. But equally, the idea of starting to declutter can seem pretty over your head. In this blog post, we will discuss the 10 best tips of decluttering so that you can have a clutter free life and make more space for the things you love!

One of the most important decluttering tips to remember is that you should only keep items that spark joy in your home or are of sentimental value.

Declutter To Reduce Stress

We all can relate to having too much of certain items like clothes or shoes or knick knacks that simply take up space. But then there are also other things that don’t exactly fit in your space or go with your interior style.

This is clutter that you never really found a place for like ten remote controls that live on your entertainment center. And if you’re anything like me then the amount of stress you feel from seeing stuff that just doesn’t have a place or a purpose is borderline infuriating. So decluttering is a must.

When you make the decision to declutter your home, you’re choosing to not only look after your home, but also your well being. By decluttering you’re taking real actionable steps and tips to regain control of your life, your home, and the experiences you have in your home.

Creating More Space For Thing You Love

Decluttering your home is more than just about getting rid of unwanted items. It’s about adopting the mindset that allows you to create more space for the things you love and letting go of the idea that your home is just a place to store items.

Space occupied in both your home should be positive and space that can be functional or used to display things you love. And this goes well beyond material possessions, clutter can also occupy space in your mind. So if you want to start decluttering your home today, then keep reading for some decluttering tips.

10 Decluttering Tips You Should Follow

#1 Making Time

The first tip is to set aside a single day or a specific time to start decluttering. Remember this can take some time, so slow and steady wins the race. Making your home clutter free is a matter of strategy, organization and patience. Making time to get rid of that clutter is going to take some commitment and also some rest.

Keep a decluttering timeline and be consistent with your own scheduling for this project. You might consider taking an hour out of your daily routine to do so, or you might want to declutter two times a week. Do what works for you as long as you can start the process of decluttering.

#2 Focus On Zones

The second tip is to focus on one zone at a time. Tackling clutter one room at a time is feasible. Trying to declutter your home in one go, is not. Focus on a room and only start the next room when you’re done. Decluttering a room can take quite a while and decluttering your home could take months!

So by breaking down the decluttering experience room by room, you’re more likely to be successful. This will make the whole decluttering project seem a lot easier and much more manageable to complete.

Decluttering doesn’t have to be daunting, it’s just a matter of creating small actionable steps. And make sure that it doesn’t consume your life either, be sure to take plenty of breaks to rest.

#3 Sort Items

The third tip is to sort items within that zone for the pile of stuff you want to keep and piles of stuff you want to get rid of. This will make it a lot easier when decluttering to sift through large amounts of clutter one zone and room at a time.

Each room in your home will most likely have these piles and one of the best tips for decluttering is breaking down these piles into small piles first and then even smaller piles later.

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#4 The Box Method

The fourth tip is to use the box method to categorize items you’re going to give away, throw away, keep and store. You can create a giveaway pile or donate clothes that you will never use again. Clothing or shoes that you haven’t used in a year means you probably will never use it.

Give clothes away to friends and family or try visiting some charity shops that might take them off your hand.

Throw away broken or unwanted items. Throw away clothes that are torn, damaged and can’t be used. In fact, if an item is taking space in your house, but you haven’t and probably will never have any use for it-get rid of it.

Keep meaningful or sentimental items like family heirlooms, photos, etc. And store items that are important like paperwork or other things of significance to you.

Dividing that pile of stuff into these separate categories will help you organize much faster. Depending on how much clutter you have you might enlisting some help from a friend or family.

#5 Utilize Storage Space

The fifth tip is to use storage space that is already available to you like kitchen cabinets, closets, under the sink storage space. But remember, everything should be tidy in these spaces. Even if they’re discreet our aim is clutter free storage too so create a system in each room that will help you organize efficiently to keep clutter at bay.

Also make sure your closets, cabinets, drawers and other storage spaces are tidy on a semi regular basis. This will help avoid clutter and prevent the accumulation of stuff.

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#6 Use Additional Storage Solutions

The sixth tip is to use additional storage methods like storage boxes and storage bins if needed. When you don’t have any more storage space, then utilizing these to organize and store your things is helpful. Storage bins can be great for a laundry room, living rooms, bedrooms and closets to help keep things tidy, organized and out of sight.

You might consider using empty wall space to add extra shelving like in your bathroom, laundry room or even your living room. But display only what you feel comfortable to have out on show like books, framed family photos, decorative objects, etc. Closet walls are a great space to hang things with closet hooks like hats, bags and other accessories.

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Everything from glass jars for bulky packaged food items, to under bed storage for things you have no room for, are all great ways to store things neatly. Don’t forget you want to maintain a way to store items that belong, so whatever method works best for you.

Again you want to think of yourself as a professional organizer in your home and things should be stored neatly and not stuffed ever! Drawer dividers are great for keeping drawers organized. Over-the-door hanging organizers can be great for everything from the inside of kitchen cabinets to your bedroom closet. If you want more storage ideas check out our post 30 Brilliant Storage Ideas For Small Apartments.

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#7 Make Certain Items Easily Accessible

The seventh tip is to keep areas easily accessible like top drawers, kitchen cabinets, and storage spaces in other rooms that you frequently use. There are some storage spaces that you might need unlimited access to like your medicine cabinet or closet.

These areas should be free of bulky items that can make it difficult to reach or that are simply obstructive to a space. Only fill these spaces with items you plan on using daily to make them functional. Even when it comes to clothing, only hang items in your close that you plan on using regularly. Seasonal clothing or clothing used on occasion can be stored away.

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#8 The Great Purge

The eighth tip is to purge your home of things that don’t serve a purpose or that you no longer use in your daily life. Fill up trash bags with items you know you can no longer use or giveaway. Those are the easiest things to get rid of first so clear up a lot of that clutter by throwing items in the trash.

Next fill up storage bags with things you plan on giving away or donating. This includes clothes that don’t fit, shoes you never wear, duplicates of items and more. If you haven’t used it in the past year, then chances are you won’t use it again and it’s time to get rid of it.

You may also consider the idea of hosting a garage sale if you plan on getting rid of larger items like furniture. This can be a great opportunity for you to make more space for newer items in your home while providing some great stuff for others. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure after all.

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#9 Avoid Visual Clutter

The ninth tip is to keep surfaces clear like kitchen countertops, dressers, nightstands and coffee tables. These areas should be reserved for things that are used on a daily basis or for decorative purposes only. Anything else should be stored away neatly out of sight.

Remember clutter can take away from the function of a space, and also it’s distracting. Home should be a positive space in your life, a place where you feel comfortable without stress. And visual clutter definitely causes stress. And by decluttering you’ll instantly feel more positive about your personal space.

Have a place for everything and put everything in its place when you’ve reached this point. This means assigning a specific place for things and making sure to put them back in their spot when you’re finished using them. This decluttering tip will help keep your home tidy and avoid having things end up in random places where they don’t belong.

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#10 Keep A Home Checklist

The tenth and final tip is to complete your decluttering project is to maintain the keep a home checklist of for each room. Check this list on a semi regular basis to make sure you’re not adding to the space subconsciously!

Decluttering is not a one-time event, it’s a lifestyle change that requires continuous effort to maintain. But once you get into the habit of decluttering, it will become second nature and you’ll wonder how you ever lived any other way!

Hopefully you can take these tips and apply them to your own decluttering project. Remember organization and living clutter free is integral to elevating your space and your sense of style in your home.

You deserve to have a house or home full of things that make it feel like you and make it feel complete. And in order to do that you have to start by decluttering and letting go of things that no longer serve you. This will ultimately allow you to make space for the things you love! So apply these tips to give yourself the best chance at living a clutter free life!

Do you have any other clutter free home ideas or decluttering tips? Share them with us in the comments below! happy

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