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8 Space Planning Tips for Moving into a Smaller Living Space

Moving into an apartment and smaller living space can be a daunting task. But with the right space planning tips it doesn’t have to be!

Moving into a new home can be a stressful process. However, you can take steps beforehand to make it less overwhelming. These steps include planning the layout of your space, deciding on a design style, and getting ready for the move itself.

The best thing that you could do to offset any nerves surrounding your move is to take some time to plan for your move properly. In today’s post I’ll share with you eight of my top tips for planning your move and that will make the transition a smooth one.

moving into

8 Tips for Moving Into Your First Apartment

  1. Prioritize Your List Of Wants and Needs
  2. Find A Layout That Works For You
  3. Make A Checklist
  4. Be Intentional About Your Space
  5. Find Your Interior Style
  6. Get Specifications
  7. Plan Your Room
  8. Prepare For Moving Day
moving into apartment

1.Prioritize Your List Of Wants and Needs:

If you are currently in the process of looking for a new apartment, it is important to make a list of your wants and needs. You should consider factors such as the size of the apartment, its amenities, location, cost, and features. Knowing what you need in an apartment before beginning your search will help narrow down potential options and ensure that you find one that fits all of your needs.

If you have already chosen a new home, then you should assess the space. Make a list of what home furnishings and other items you’ll need for your new space. Items you need should prioritize over items you want at this point and time. This will help you plan ahead and ensure that everything fits into the allotted space.

2.Find A Layout That Works For You:

When planning out a new living space, it’s important to find a layout that works for you. Whether you’re looking for a studio apartment or one bedroom apartment, find a that makes the most out of the square footage. Even studio apartments have different layouts. You may find one that is just one large singular room or you may find one that is partitioned in a way that makes it easier to hide a bed.

You may like a bit of separation in your small spaces so maybe a kitchen that opens into the living room doesn’t work for you. Consider the floorplan before making any other decisions.

moving into moving boxes

3.Make A Checklist:

It can be extremely nerve wracking and overwhelming having to move into a small space for the first time. But don’t stress! There are so many things that you need to check off your list before you actually move into and style your new place.

In fact creating a checklist when moving into a new apartment can help you keep track of all the things that need to be done and what needs to be bought. I find that having a list is extremely helpful in life not just moving into a new home. It is important to have clarity about what tasks you need to do and at what stage you are in the process, whether it is ordering furniture or selecting a move-in date. This will help you stay organized and on track when planning out your new home. Personally I think it would be a good idea to make several checklists.

Breaking down your to do list into categories such as packing, cleaning, shopping, and more can help make the process smoother. You may also want to consider making a list of items you will need for your new apartment, such as furniture or storage solutions. This list will ensure that you are prepared come move in day.

1) a checklist for selling furniture 2) a checklist for closing out your current place, such as returning keys and repainting, and 3) a checklist for moving day, including cleaning, packing, and essential items 4) a checklist for items you still need like furniture, decor, and storage solutions.

4.Be Intentional About Your Space:

When living in a smaller space it’s important to be intentional about the items you choose to bring into it. Choose multifunctional furniture that can help maximize your area, preferably with extra storage. For example instead of just purchasing a plain old coffee table without any thought, consider a multifunctional coffee table a compartment for additional storage.

When choosing furnishings, think about how you will use the pieces and the room overall.

If you’re limited on space, consider wall-mounted furniture and storage containers that can help you make the most of your area.

Being intentional with every step also has the added benefit of cutting down on clutter. This will ensure that your space is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


5.Find Your Interior Style:

When it comes to interior design, there are many different styles you can choose from to fit your space. From modern and minimalistic to rustic and traditional – the possibilities are endless! It’s important to decide on a style that will make the most of your area and reflect your own personal taste and lifestyle.

If you’re looking for something timeless yet trendy, opt for organic modern pieces in your living room or bedroom. If beach-style decor is more your thing, consider taking inspiration from the Hamptons style of interior design. For something unique, why not explore the Japandi trend which combines Japanese style with Scandinavian simplicity? Whichever look you go for it can be helpful to know whether or not your current furniture pieces will fit the theme you’ve chosen.

6.Get Specifications:

Some apartment complexes have specific dimensions for their units and this is important to know when you are planning out your move. Before purchasing furniture or decor, make sure it fits into the space that your new apartment offers.

It’s also important to check with your landlord as some may require certain specifications be met before allowing any alterations to their building such as painting walls or mounting things like shelves onto them. Check these details ahead of time so that there are no surprises come moving day. Doing this will ensure that you get the most out of your new home without having to face any potential problems down the line.

Overall, planning out a move into a smaller living space doesn’t have to be so intimidating when done right. With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be able to make the most of your limited space and create a cozy new home!

7.Plan Your Room:

Once you have an idea of the apartment layout in your new home, you should take the time to map out different options. Create a plan of how to arrange furniture in an efficient way. To do this, there are many free online room planners that you can use to experiment with different layouts.

These free room planner tools allow you to virtually move furniture around the room and visualize different arrangements. This can help to ensure that your space is maximized and organized in a way that works for you.

moving into packed furniture

8.Prepare For Moving Day:

Finally, the moving day! Before the movers arrive make sure you have emptied everything is ready to go. If anything needs to be taken apart or gently moved, it is best that you do this yourself to get ready for movers.

Make sure to also go through a moving out checklist of things that need to be done before they arrive (such as returning keys and repainting). And remember to pack an essentials bag ahead of time so that when you arrive at your new place, everything you need is in one place. This includes items such as phone chargers, toiletries, snacks, and clothes for the first night after moving in. With these tips in mind, your move should be painless and stress-free!

Good luck with your move-in and enjoy your new home! I hope that these tips help to make the process smoother. Now all you have left to do is kick back, relax, and start decorating your new space. Happy moving!



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  1. October 8, 2021 / 6:15 pm

    I hate moving and I really hope I don’t ever have to move into a smaller space, I already live in a single room. Any smaller than that would be soul destroying

    • jipsecostudio
      October 8, 2021 / 7:01 pm

      Haha yes it can be somewhat challenging to go any smaller than a room for sure! But any space can feel like home 🙂

  2. October 8, 2021 / 10:57 pm

    The last time I moved, I tried to find a studio that I liked but none of them had a full-size kitchen and I decided that was something I wasn’t ready to give up because I love to cook! It sounds like you’ve managed to find everything you wanted – I’m going to check out your post on studio layouts, too, to see what you looked at. Thank you for sharing this!

    • jipsecostudio
      October 9, 2021 / 5:46 am

      If the layout isn’t what you want then it’s definitely hard to imagine living or styling it for sure

  3. October 9, 2021 / 6:19 am

    Good luck with the move. I hate moving so much! I don’t know whether I could live in a studio apartment, yet the thought of saving money does appeal to me 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    • jipsecostudio
      October 9, 2021 / 6:11 pm

      Thank you I’m actually very excited to make this my little interior design project! I figure if I can tackle a studio space that will double as a photo shoot studio then I’ll be happy!

  4. October 10, 2021 / 8:06 am

    These are great tips. I definitely want to make the switch to living more intentionally.

    • jipsecostudio
      October 12, 2021 / 5:23 am

      Awesome glad to help!


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