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Designing a Calming and Harmonious Feng Shui Living Room

Decorated according to the principles, a feng shui living room can become a peaceful, healthy, and nurturing place, where you can unwind, relax, and recharge your batteries.

In this blog post, we will share some essential tips and tricks on how to decorate a feng shui living room that is a space with an atmosphere of balance, flow, and uplifting energy.

In order to create a feng shui living room, it is important to prioritize a balanced and positive atmosphere. This can be accomplished by minimizing clutter, carefully arranging furniture to facilitate good energy flow, and including all five feng shui elements.

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice designed to keep positive chi and establish balance and harmony between you and your environment, including your living space. Feng shui experts believe that good feng shui incorporates the five elements that include wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each of these five elements has its own set of colors, shapes, textures, and qualities that can be used to bring balance to your living room.

Things To Pay Attention To When Designing A Feng Shui Living Room

Clutter In The Space:

To begin, it is important to create a clutter-free living room. Clutter causes stagnant energy which can lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Taking the time to declutter and organize your living room can help to create an environment of clarity and focus.

Begin by decluttering your space by using the “one in-two out” rule. For every item that you bring into your living room, two items should be removed. This will help keep your living room from feeling cluttered and overstuffed.

Avoid clutter as it is known to block the positive energy and can bring a negative impact and feelings of chaos to a space. Clutter blocks the positive energy on a subconscious level and can cause feelings of chaos so avoiding adding too much furniture or accessories is key.

Furniture Placement:

Next, carefully consider the arrangement of furniture in your living room. Space clearing is important to ensure that there are pathways of energy flowing around furniture. So clear the clutter for positive chi to move throughout the space. To do this, aim to create larger pathways through the main points of entry into the room and for smaller pathways between furniture pieces.

Proper placement of furniture according to feng shui principles is important in the living room, This is so because it is typically the central space for family and socializing at home. Arranging the sofa in the living room so that it faces south, as this direction is associated with positive energy.

The living room should be designed around a sofa still as it takes a commanding position. Other forms of seating should be arranged in a way that encourages conversation and togetherness. Consider organizing the seating into groups to create conversation areas. Keep in mind the furniture’s compatibility and the available space.

Feng shui experts recommend using sofas or couches with rounded or curvy shapes in a living room as they are aesthetically pleasing and have a positive impact in the interior design of home. Also rounded or curved line furniture are thought to resemble the natural organic shapes found in nature. And thus create a calming and inviting atmosphere.

The Right Furniture

Selecting furniture that’s both functional and stylish is the next step toward creating a feng shui living room. Invest in quality pieces that are comfortable to sit on and look great. Opt for round or oval shaped furniture as it promotes a sense of togetherness and connection rather than sharp edges, which might create negative energy.

Also, make sure that your furniture doesn’t impede the flow of traffic or natural light. Arrange your furniture in such a way that that creates inviting conversation areas and defines the function of each space.

Color Scheme:

According to the feng shui principles, certain colors can evoke specific emotions and energies. When adding color to a living room in feng shui home decor, it is important to remember that the colors you choose should create a sense of balance in the space. To do this, choose colors from each element (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and incorporate them into the space.

For example, you might choose brown and green for wood elements, reds and oranges for fire elements, yellow, orange, brown, and beige for earth elements, gray and white for metal elements, and blues and blacks for water elements.

Additionally, you can use the Bagua map to help identify which colors are most appropriate for the different areas of your living room. Finally, be sure to mix and match colors for a more balanced look, as having too much of one color can create an unbalanced vibe in the space.

When decorating your living room, choose colors that promote relaxation, balance, and harmony. Soft, muted shades, such as light blue, green, and lavender, are ideal for feng shui living rooms. These colors are known to calm your mind, promote tranquility and peace, and create a sense of balance. Incorporating these colors into your living room decor can help you relax, unwind, and recharge.

Focal Points:

Typically, your living room’s focal point is opposite to its main entrance and can draw the eye and bring positive energy into the room. Although the furniture placement is usually based on the focal point of an area, it is not necessary for your seating arrangement to face it.

In a feng shui living room, having an interesting focal point is important. A fireplace, large windows, or artwork can be the central focus of attention for the room and encourages positive energy flow throughout the house. Plants bring life and energy into the room and can also be a great focal point.

In fact, plants and flowers are essential elements in a feng shui living room. They bring in life force a sense of nature, will purify the air, and can even attract positive chi into the room. Place plants either on the sides of the sofa or near windows to bring in a sense of natural, and vibrant energy.


The lighting in the living room should be warm and soft to create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Avoid sources of light that are bright and harsh lighting as it can create an uncomfortable environment that is filled with stagnant energy.

Lighting is an important part of feng shui as it can help to brighten up a space and disperse stagnant energy. Natural light should be brought in whenever possible, but if that’s not an option, artificial lighting should be used instead. Choose warm tones for the lights such as yellow or orange, which are said to create good vibes in the living room.

Decorative Elements:

Decorative elements in your living room feng shui, should be carefully chosen to help create a positive energy flow. Add decorative elements like candles, incense holders, and wall hangings to bring beauty to your living space. Hanging mirrors around the living room can reflect light and create a feeling of abundance.

Additionally, in feng shui, mirrors double in function. They equally are used to bring in more light and create an atmosphere of serenity. Mirrors also help to deflect any negative energy. This is why it’s important to place them in strategic locations around the room.

Soft fabrics and textures add a feeling of comfort and relaxation to any living room. Invest in soft rugs, throw pillows, blankets, curtains, and area rugs to make your space feel warmer and inviting.

Finally, add art to the walls that speaks to you. Art can be both functional and decorative. So it’s important to choose pieces that add to the energy and beauty of the room. Choose artwork that reflects your personality and style, as this will help create an atmosphere that is unique to you.

Personal Touches

Adding personal touches to your living room decor is the last step in creating a feng shui living space. It’s the things you place in your living room that make it feel like home. Display your favorite artwork, photographs, or souvenirs from your travels to add warmth, energy, and personality. Display your books and other treasures in an orderly manner.

Using plants and flowers in your home decor, especially in your living room, can add a calm and serene feel to the room. Add ample natural lighting throughout to enhance and illuminate the various features of your living room. This way you’ll keep it functional yet warm and inviting.

Natural Elements

Natural elements should be a focus in your living room decoration is a crucial component of feng shui. Elements, such as wood, stone, metal, water, and the fire element, can add life force energy. Wood elements represent growth and renewal, while stone elements evoke stability and strength.

Metal represents clarity and precision, and water elements encourage flow and flexibility. Meanwhile, fire elements promote passion and energy. Incorporating each of these elements into your living room decoration can ensure a healthy balance of yin and yang energies.

How you want your home to feel on a conscious and subconscious level is such a personal thing that only you can decide how to decorate your space. However, taking into account these principles and incorporating them into your living room decor is the best way to create a space that is intended to inspire well being.

Overall, with these tips on decorating a Feng Shui interior design can create a balanced space with an atmosphere of balance, flow, and uplifting energy. By following the principles of feng shui you will ensure that your living room is filled with positive energy and welcoming guests with good vibes!


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