Living in small living spaces can be cozy and convenient, but it can also present challenges that take a toll on your mental health. Whether you live in an apartment, studio, or tiny house, the lack of room to move around and lack of storage can create stress and feelings of being overwhelmed. Today we’ll discuss how small living spaces can affect our mental health and ways to tackle them.

Living in small living spaces can be difficult and sometimes impact mental wellbeing, but there are ways to handle it. Downsizing on possessions, reorganizing the living area, and using various storage options are some ways to make the space comfortable and livable. Keep reading for more tips!

No one really thinks too much about the mental health aspect of living in a small space, but it can have an effect on how you feel day to day. While there are many benefits to living in a smaller space, such as lower bills, more convenience, the lack of space can lead some with feelings of anxiety or claustrophobia, agitation.

But our homes, no matter how small should be a positive space for your state of mind. Mental health matters and it’s important to take steps to ensure your living space is one where you find solace.

Tips for Solving Common Problems In Small Living Spaces:

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Creating Visual Separation

Living in a small space often causes everything to merge together, resulting in feelings of restlessness and agitation. To combat this feeling, try to mentally separate the areas of your living space by creating distinct zones for different areas or activities. Implement physical divisions by using furniture such as book cases, or use rugs and wall art to help separate out different spaces.

#1 Create Zones:

Separate your living space into zones to make it feel more organized and less cluttered. A designated area for working, a relaxing spot for reading a book, and so on. This will help create an efficient space and will make it easier to find what you’re looking for without feeling overwhelmed.

#2 Create Physical Division:

Invest in dividers, partitions or curtains that separate the space but still allow natural light to come in. This will create a sense of separation between you and the other areas of your living space.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Furniture Arrangement for Maximizing Space and Comfort

When trying to fit all of your furniture into a small area, it can often feel like you’re using too much stuff and leaving little room for movement. The lack of flow in your space can result in feelings of claustrophobia and breathlessness. To help combat this issue, consider using space saving multipurpose furniture with storage capabilities like ottomans and bed frames with drawers underneath. Minimalist furniture that are lightweight and foldable work great too.

#3 Use Space Saving Multi-functional Furniture:

Multi-functional furniture can be a lifesaver in a small living space. Look for pieces that are visually lightweight or serve multiple purposes, such as a bed with built-in storage or a table that can be used as a desk. These sorts of furniture pieces will save you space and help you stay organized.

#4 Choose The Right Furniture:

You can also look for furniture that has a sleek and modern design to help the space feel less cluttered. Finally, invest in pieces that are lightweight and easy to move as this will make it easier to rearrange your space when needed.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Reducing Clutter and Accumulated Possessions

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the “stuff” that accumulates over time. To counter this, try paring down your possessions and only keeping what is truly necessary or sentimental or donate items you no longer need. This will help keep clutter from accumulating and make the space feel more organized.

#5 Prioritize and Minimize:

Take the time to go through all of your belongings and decide what you need and what you can do without. It’s a good idea to get rid of anything that isn’t necessary or items that are just taking up more space than they should be.

#6 Regularly Declutter:

Routinely decluttering and organizing your living space can help you stay organized and reduce stress. Set a rule for yourself to clean or reorganize your living space every other week, or even once a month. This will help keep your space in check and give you peace of mind.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Maximizing Air & Light

When living in small spaces, it can be easy to start feeling boxed in or trapped due to lack of open space. To counter this, try allowing as much natural light as possible. Also incorporating plants into your living space can help to create a calming atmosphere and can also act as a natural air filter.

#7 Let Natural Light In:

Natural light can help reduce feelings of claustrophobia and agitation in a small space. If your living area is dark and cramped, open up the curtains and let in as much light as possible. This will help make your living space feel more airy and less confined. If you don’t get much natural light then try using full spectrum bulbs that imitate natural light and incorporate mirrors into your space which will help reflect the light throughout.

#8 Add Some Plants:

A few plants can bring life to small living spaces and create an atmosphere of calmness. Plants are also known to reduce stress levels and improve mental wellbeing. In fact, biophilic interiors, which are interiors filled with plants have been proven to reduce stress and improve productivity. So, try adding a few small plants in your living space.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Creating An Organization System

A lack of organization can make a small living space feel cluttered and disorganized. If there is visual clutters in our living spaces, then our minds are likely to feel the same way. Counter this by maximizing available storage and implementing storage solutions.

#9 Invest In Storage Solutions:

Invest in storage solutions that will help you save space and keep everything organized such as stackable boxes, drawer dividers, wall-mounted shelving and so on. Get creative with storage solutions too. Invest in furniture that doubles as storage, such as ottomans or benches with built-in compartments.

#10 Maximize Storage Spaces:

Use wall space and vertical storage for shelves or wall hooks to maximize storage. Use other spaces in your small living space like the inside of cabinet doors or under furniture to maximize storage. This will help keep your space from feeling cluttered and disorganized.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Creating A Space For Physical Fitness

When living in a small space, it can be hard to find enough space for exercise or physical activities. Feeling sluggish and cooped up in a tiny living space can take its toll on your mental wellbeing. To combat this, try finding creative ways to exercise within your living space and find a way to incorporate physical activity outdoors into your daily routine.

#11 At Home Gym Equipment:

Invest in home gym equipment that is easy to store like resistance bands, yoga mats, and free weights. This will allow you to have access to a gym in the comfort of your own home and will help you stay fit without taking up too much space.

#12 Utilize Outdoor Spaces:

If you don’t have enough room for a home gym then try utilizing outdoor spaces near your home like parks or running trails. This will help you get some fresh air and exercise at the same time.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Reducing Small Space Anxiety

Smaller living spaces can often lead to feelings of anxiety due to lack of space or feeling boxed in. To combat this, try making the space feel more open by incorporating minimalistic designs and a color scheme that will make your space feel brighter.

#13 Use light colors and mirrors

Dark colors can make a small space feel even smaller, so stick to light colors like white, cream, or pale gray. Mirrors can also help create the illusion of more space by reflecting light and making your space feel brighter. Consider placing a mirror on a wall opposite a window to increase the amount of natural light in your space.

#14 Embrace Minimalism

Finally, consider embracing a minimalist lifestyle. The less you own, the less you have to worry about storing and organizing. Donate or sell anything you don’t need, and focus on keeping only the things that bring you joy.

Designed by Jipsē Co Studio designer Sara K.

Making A Space Feel Homey

Making a small living space feel like a home can be quite the challenge. It’s important to find ways to make it your own, otherwise, it will feel like you’re just passing through instead of having a home that serves as your sanctuary. To counter this, try adopting rituals that give your space an identity and fill it with items that bring you joy.

#15 Adopt Rituals:

Take the time to create rituals that remind you of how special your home is. Listen to music while cleaning or cook your favorite meal on Sunday evenings. Create the perfect little reading corner or set aside some time to meditate in the morning. Find small ways to remind yourself that your space is unique and special no matter how small it may be.

#16 Fill It With Beloved Items:

It’s important to fill your home with items that make you feel happy and relaxed. Adding plants, blankets, art pieces, or even a cozy rug can help make your living space more inviting while also boosting your mood. Choose items that have special meaning for you.

Living in a small space can be a challenge, but with the right strategies and mindset it can also be a space that makes you feel secure, comfortable and uplifted. With a few simple steps like adding natural light, incorporating plants, creating an organization system, utilizing outdoor spaces for exercise and embracing minimalism you can make your small living space feel like home.

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