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8 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Keep You Loving Your Home

The New Year is a time for reflection, new beginnings, but also a time for elevating our current situations to another tier. This includes our home and the experience we have in it. And in the past couple of years our homes have become our sanctuaries. So today I’m sharing 8 New Year’s resolutions that you can make to ensure that you keep loving your home always.

Creating A Safe, Secure And Stylish Home in 2023

As we head into the new year, it’s important to reflect what home has meant for us in the past year, and how we can prioritize our home even more in 2023. Home has become synonymous with security, safety, and comfort, and also style. And people have become more and more connected to their homes as a space for quality time with family, friends, but also a place to work and unwind. It’s important that you feel good in this space. So here are 8 must-have New Year’s resolutions if you want to keep loving your home this upcoming year.

loving your home

1. Commit To A No Clutter Policy

In the new year taking charge of your habits is a big part to evolving both ourselves and our homes. Start decluttering. Clutter can be overwhelming and keeping your space neat and organized is key to having a happy and productive living environment. Take the time to finally go through all of your belongings and decide what you need and what you don’t need. Donate or sell items that can still be used, but that you no longer want or need. Your home requires regular maintenance, so make sure you take the time to do necessary upkeep.

Get organized. This resolution is good for both your mental health and the visuals of your home and will really allow you to focus on other aspects of your home. Having a place for everything in your home will help reduce stress and make it easier to stay on top of things which are both essential ingredients for loving your home.

Understand that this will take time and that’s perfectly fine. Make it a point to dedicate some time each week, maybe on a specific day of the week to keeping your space clean and tidy. This will not only help you to love your home, but will also help you feel more organized and productive.

2. Establish Zones In Your Space

Divide your living space into zones so that you can better utilize the area. This will help to make your space more functional and aesthetically pleasing while also allowing you to keep clutter at bay.

Decide what the activities and functions of each small area in your home will be and how your time will be spent in those areas. This will help you designate a place for sleep, for hanging out and unwinding. These tips are especially true for studio apartment dwellers.

However, these days our home and work space are one and the same so it’s helpful knowing how where you want to spend time for specific activities. Creating a functional living environment is a big part of the new year. And understanding that perspective will help you tenfold.

loving your home

If you’ve been working from home during 2022 (and plan to do so again throughout 2023), create yourself a dedicated work-space with whatever resources you have available. Even if its just a small area like a corner of your bedroom, having a designated spot to focus on work will help keep things organized and make it easier to stay motivated.

Additionally, create a relaxing oasis to rest in your bedroom or living room with items that make you feel calm and cozy. Whether it’s a comfortable chair, scented candles, or a small reading nook – designate an area where you can relax and recharge from the day.

3. Make Good Use of Storage

Maximize your storage space by utilizing all available nooks and crannies for the stuff you don’t necessarily need to be visible. Aside from storage cabinets, your closet spaces, putting your stuff in other storage containers, bins, etc is a good idea. Think about getting some flexible storage pieces or adding a few floating shelves to free up floor space.

Take inventory of what you have and get rid of any items that you no longer need or use. This will help reduce clutter in your home and give you more storage options. Utilize baskets, bins, jars, and other containers to store small items like office supplies, cosmetics, etc.

Don’t forget about some of the more discreet storage spaces in your home, like under the bed or in the closet. Utilize these areas to store items that you don’t need access to on a daily basis and free up some more space for the items that you do need.

loving your home

4. Invest In Home Furnishings That Bring Value

Invest in some new furniture pieces that not only look great but are also more functional for smaller spaces. Look for multipurpose pieces that can be used in different ways or think about transforming existing items with a bit of paint or a creative hack!

When it comes to home decor, invest in quality pieces that will last for years and bring a smile to your face when you see them. These items do not have to be expensive but they should reflect the style of your home and help make it more inviting!

If a room or space needs some freshening up, make it your New Year’s resolution to invest in that area. Whether this means adding a new rug, changing out window treatments, or rearranging furniture – investing in your living space will make it feel like home.

5.Refresh Your Living Space Regularly

Don’t be afraid to switch things up in your home once in a while! Whether it’s rearranging furniture or adding new artwork, make sure that you give your living space some attention every now and then. This will keep the vibes feeling good and depending where you live, a refresh could even bring some positive energy into the home.

6. Be Intentional About Your Space

Your home is a reflection of who you are and what you value. When decorating your space, make sure that it reflects the things you love and inspires you. This can also be relevant to the lifestyle you want to live in your home.

For instance maybe you want a creative space, then hang up some art, surround yourself with plants, or show off your collection of books – whatever makes you feel inspired! If a sustainable home is important to you then think about switching out single-use items with reusable alternatives or buying secondhand furniture rather than new items. Be intentional about what you want your home to be to you.

loving your home

7. Stay True To Your Own Style

Stay true to your own style and only invest in pieces that you truly love. Trends come and go, so make sure whatever changes you make will still look good when the trend fades away. If you want to elevate your current interior design to another level, then take some time to plan out how you want your space to look or get yourself an interior mood board to really visualize it.

A little bit of space planning always helps when it comes to decorating, be it for the new season or upcoming holiday. You don’t have to go all-out with expensive pieces, just make sure that it’s a space you can be proud of and enjoy spending time in. Personalize your space to fit your style.

8. Find Time To Enjoy Your Home

We all need to take a break from our hectic lives once in awhile, so set aside some dedicated “me” time where you can relax in your home without any distractions. Whether it’s reading a book by the fire, having a cup of tea by your window or simply having some alone time.

Take time for yourself to relax and enjoy your home. Invite friends over for a night of board games or create a cozy corner with some soft pillows and blankets – there are endless ways to enjoy your home!

The New Year is a chance to start anew – focus on creating a living environment that gives you feelings of happiness, inspiration and comfort. With these 8 resolutions, you can make it happen! Begin planning now and soon enough you’ll be manifesting your dream home!

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