meta charset="UTF-8"> Perfect Your Balcony Garden This Spring — Elevate Your Space

Perfect Your Balcony Garden This Spring

It’s that time of the year when the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming. What better time to add some life to your balcony then the Spring? Even urban dwellers in city apartments can draw inspiration from these tips today! So keep reading for some great tips on what to grow on your balcony and how to make it look like a blooming garden this Spring!

To create an attractive and useful garden on a small apartment balcony, start with simple steps. Use containers, vertical gardening methods, and select suitable plants, herbs, and flowers. Enhance the area with practical and decorative elements, such as seating and lighting.

balcony garden

In today’s blog post we’ll share some of the best low maintenance balcony plants and evergreen plants that are perfect for your balcony garden. We’ll share some of the prettiest flowers and best herbs you can grow on your balcony. You’ll even get some great small apartment balcony garden ideas and decorating tips! Whether you’d like to create a lush outdoor retreat, an elegant herb garden, or grow your own vegetable garden on a balcony – we’ve got tips to help you! Learn how to make the most out of limited space and vertical space in your balcony garden design.

So how do you know which plants, herbs or flowers are best for your balcony garden? Start by choosing the right plants for your balcony. Make sure to choose sun-loving plants that can tolerate warm temperatures and have enough room and additional space to grow. It’s important to not only choose plants that require the most sun since sun exposure will be a factor.

But it’s equally important to make sure these plants, herbs or flowers can withstand various weather conditions and also be suitable for container gardening. There are a myriad of options for this small garden too like a vertical garden, balcony railing where you can attach pots, living walls etc. Small spaces just need a little bit of know how and creativity to maximize square footage and function! Keep reading to find out how!

balcony garden

The Best evergreen plants to have on your balcony garden

When thinking about balcony gardening, evergreen plants are key for creating a very lush garden and vibrant space. Evergreen plants are great because they stay green year-round, and provide your space with life throughout all four seasons. Some of the best evergreen plants to have on your balcony garden include:

• Ivy

Ivy is an incredibly versatile plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Not only does ivy lend beauty to your balcony garden with its small leaves, but it can also help cover unsightly walls or add additional privacy. It’s also relatively easy to care for and doesn’t require much maintenance. Add it will grow consider it is one of the notorious climbing plants. So if these sort of growing plants arent’ exactly what you had in mind, then maybe choose a different type.

• Japanese Holly

This plant is perfect for small balcony gardens, as it grows low and doesn’t require much upkeep. A great container plant to rest on your balcony floor, the Japanese holly thrives in partial sun making it an ideal option for those who want to enjoy their plants without having to provide too much care.

• Juniper

Junipers come in many varieties and offer year-round color with their glossy green leaves that turn various shades of purple during the winter months. They grow best in sunny locations and need very little maintenance once established.

balcony garden

The Best Herbs to Grow on your balcony garden

Herbs are a great addition to any any balcony garden design, as they add flavor and fragrance to your outdoor space. Herbs need plenty of sunlight and don’t require much maintenance, making them ideal for small balcony gardens. Some of the best herbs to have on your balcony garden include:

  • Basil

Basil is an incredibly versatile herb that adds a fragrant flavor to any dish. It’s easy to grow and can be planted in containers or directly into the ground.

  • Cilantro

One of the oldest known herbs, cilantro grows best in warm climates and needs plenty of sunlight. It has a delicious taste that is perfect for adding extra flavor to salads.

  • Rosemary

Rosemary is a hardy herb that can tolerate cold temperatures and prefers full sun. It adds an earthy flavor to any dish and has wonderful medicinal properties.

  • Mint

Mint is an incredibly easy-to-grow herb that has a refreshing taste and aroma. It’s best grown in containers as it can spread quickly,

Adding evergreens to your balcony garden will help create a beautiful atmosphere while adding life and texture year-round. With proper care and attention, these plants can quickly become the focal point of your garden!

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The Best Flowers to Have On Your Balcony Garden

Flowers are a great way to add color and life to any outdoor space. When choosing flowers for your balcony garden, make sure to choose varieties that can tolerate both sunny and shady spots. Some of the best flowers for balconies include:

  • Petunias

These vibrant annuals come in a variety of colors and sizes, making them perfect for dressing up any sunny balcony garden. They prefer full sun but can also tolerate part-shade locations.

  • Pansies

Pansies come in various colors and textures ranging from soft pastels to vibrant oranges and yellows. They grow well in areas that receive direct morning sunlight but should be in sheltered areas in your garden balcony by the afternoon.

  • Marigolds

These cheerful blooms come in sunny yellow, golden orange, and deep red colors. Marigolds are heat-tolerant and can thrive even in hot climates.

  • Geraniums

Geraniums are a classic choice for balcony gardens due to their vibrant colors and easy care. They prefer partial sun locations and need regular watering in order to thrive. Adding flowers to your balcony garden will make it a cheerful and inviting space that you can enjoy year-round.

  • Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea are possibly one of the most popular plants balconies. These evergreen climbing vines come in a variety of colors and can quickly transform your balcony into a vibrant romantic garden oasis. They’re also well-suited for growing in small containers that limit the growth of its roots. 

Begonias- Begonias are a classic flower choice for balconies, as they can tolerate both sunny and shady spots. These lush blooms come in shades of pink, white, and red, making them a great choice for adding color.

Having a balcony garden is the perfect way to have green space and create an outdoor oasis while adding some color to your life. With the right plants and flowers, you’ll be able to enjoy your nature-filled space without too much maintenance!

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Small apartment dwellers should keep several things in mind when decorating their small balcony garden.

Firstly, it’s important to select plants and flowers that are suitable for the size of your balcony to ensure they don’t overgrow or become overcrowded. Determine how much sunlight the space receives throughout the day, as this will determine how much space and which plants and flowers you can or cannot grow successfully. And select pots and containers that are the right size for each plant to ensure they have adequate room to grow.

Secondly, understand what you want this space to be for you. Balcony gardens can be anything from a place of relaxation to an inviting spot to entertain guests. Knowing what you want your balcony garden to be for you will help guide the types of plants and flowers you choose, as well as the layout and design.

Thirdly, get small space friendly outdoor furniture. Having the right kind of furniture is essential for making your balcony garden look inviting and comfortable. Consider adding benches, chairs, or even hammocks to sit in while you enjoy the beauty of your garden. Storage is always essential in a small space, so look for pieces that are multi-functional and can also be used to store gardening tools or other items.

Finally, add some decorations to give your balcony space a personal touch. Decorating your balcony garden is an easy and fun way to show off your style and unleash it’s design potential.

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Here are some cute ways to decorate your balcony garden:

• Hang planters – Hanging planters and hanging baskets are a great way to add color and interest to any space. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also help to create a more open feel and save space.

• Add lighting – String lights can give your balcony a romantic look and make it the perfect spot for entertaining. Look for solar-powered options so you don’t have to worry about electricity.

• Install furniture – Installing comfortable and cozy outdoor furniture is a great way to enjoy your balcony garden in comfort. Look for durable pieces that can withstand the elements, such as wicker chairs or teak benches.

• Add a rug – Rugs are an easy way to add texture and color to the floor space in your balcony garden. Look for waterproof options so you don’t have to worry about it getting ruined in the rain.

There are many ways to make limited space in your small balcony garden look its best, so get creative and make it yours!

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